Helping every person to believe in Jesus, belong to the Christian family,
become a disciple and serve our community
* To nurture and nourish the faith of the worshipping community by exploring
through shared fellowship the call to discipleship of Jesus Christ through
learning, outreach and service.
* To welcome all to worship God in a safe, accessible and loving environment
* To develop and engage in Mission and Ministry that contributes to the
needs of the whole church, the community of Exeter’s City centre and the wider world.
To nurture and nourish the faith of the worshipping community by
exploring through shared fellowship the call to discipleship of Jesus Christ through learning, outreach and service.
* To nourish the faith of our congregation through Bible study and prayer and to nurture a sense of calling using our God given gifts.
* To continue to support our Pastoral System.
* To support fellowship services
* To be active disciples for Jesus Christ by strengthening our relationship with the Circuit, the District and explore working with our ecumenical partners.
To welcome all to worship God in a safe, accessible and loving
* To continue to provide a warm personal welcome to all regardless of
personal circumstances
* To ensure members are trained and familiar with safeguarding procedures
*To Work with the Officers and staff of the Boys Brigade to build relationships with the boys and families, encouraging active participation in the worshipping life of the Church.
* To encourage and develop leadership opportunities for everyone in our fellowship.
* To develop further the music, drama and other creative arts; increase the use of multi-media in our current worship and explore opportunities for different styles of worship.
* To expand the use of fellowship services encouraging lay people to take leadership roles
* To facilitate and encourage other Christian groups to develop their witness within our community (Malayalam, Network, Love the Street, Boys Brigade) and to use the premises so that the building becomes a Christian Centre every day of the week.
To develop and engage in Mission and Ministry that contributes to the needs of the whole church, the community of Exeter’s City centre and the wider world.
* To work closely with Exeter Network Church expanding the use of the church buildings and exploring new opportunities to extend mission.
* To engage in outreach and service in our local community and extend our efforts to develop a community focus in Sidwell Street
* To continue to provide social activities and explore & develop new ones, that can encourage people into the life of our fellowship.
* To explore new forms of worship midweek and offer hospitality and
fellowship to those outside the church.
This Mission Statement addresses current Circuit guidance.
‘The calling of the Exeter, Coast and Country Circuit is to respond to God's love in Jesus, by sharing our lives through Christian Discipleship in worship, mission and service’.
Our strength lies in our deep rooted relationships with each other. We have a ‘caring family’ approach to Church and our main outreach opportunities arise from our relationship with the Boys Brigade and their associated families, with our working relationship with ENC and the Malayalam Fellowship and who all use the premises as their base. It is therefore essential we keep our premises open and in use so we can continue to build on these relationships and fulfil our mission priorities.
SEPTEMBER 2020 amended June 2022
Please click here to download our Mission Statement (word version).